Paradise in the kaolin quarry | The unusual Eden Botanical Garden in England

I will tell you about the largest high-tech botanical garden in the world. We are talking about the unique Eden Project, the creation of businessman and music producer Tim Smith. It is located in the English county of Cornwall, on the site of an abandoned kaolin quarry.

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Eden Botanical Garden, England

This garden was created for a reason, but with an important social mission: to make it clear to people that nature must be protected. The creators are trying to convey to society the idea that if all of humanity dies out tomorrow, nothing tragic will actually happen, and there will even be an improvement in the natural world, so it has already been polluted and destroyed by civilization. 

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The Eden project in the UK

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“Eden” in the UK

But if all living things disappear on Earth tomorrow, humanity will die literally in a day. And it’s really true. Therefore, we should all be proud that we have the honor to live side by side with the earth’s flora, protect it and protect it, and not take this phenomenon for granted, which serves us for the convenience of life.

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Eden Botanical Garden, top view

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“Eden” in Cornwall, England

That’s actually such an idea and that’s the purpose of creating the garden of Eden.

What is the Eden project?

This is a place with an area of 22,000 m, where almost all plants that only grow or have grown on the planet are grown in greenhouse conditions. Some of them are endangered, some of them have already disappeared as a species in their usual habitat, therefore they are of particular value.

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The Botanical Garden in England

For the preservation of exotic plants, two special greenhouses were created, which are designed in the form of hexagonal domes, and look like soap bubbles. These biome structures are built using innovative technologies and high–tech materials.

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Greenhouses of England

So, instead of ordinary glass, this greenhouse is protected by an environmental film stretched over frames. Thanks to such a clever design, sunlight penetrates inside and humidity and temperature are maintained exactly the same as in the tropics and subtropics, that is, in the homeland of plants.

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These domes are so huge that they can easily fit an entire Tower inside. There is even a real waterfall flowing in one of them.

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Huge domes of the botanical garden

The number of plants cannot be counted, there are so many of them. Moreover, they were not imported from other continents, but grown right on the spot. Near each of them there is not only an information plate, but also objects that can be obtained from them, that is, it is clearly demonstrated why this plant is needed and what benefits it has. For example, there is a bag of sugar near the reed beds and so on.

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The Botanical Garden in England

In addition to the plants in the park, you can also admire the interesting structures that resemble animals and insects. Moreover, these “monuments” are made of recycled materials.

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“monuments” from recycled materials

In order for this park to appear in 2001, $ 130 million was spent on its creation, however, this greenhouse has long paid for itself at the expense of tourists. And more than once.

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