
Выходные в Гродно: как организовать поездку самостоятельно?

Я, кажется, забыл, что это время, когда можно было просто взять билет на самолет и за 10 минут улететь на выходные в Болонье. Когда поездка в Белосток воспринималась, как что-то обычное. Увидев детские рисунки из Вийнса в Гебборе, я подумал: «Да, не так–то просто и серо». Каппадокия. Весна 2019. Сегодня все наоборот. Поэтому мне остается …

Выходные в Гродно: как организовать поездку самостоятельно? Read More »

Rules of entry to China

Anna Galchenko insta web Editor-in-chief of tripmydream Basic rules of entry to China Air service: open. Overland communication: open. Visa: Most foreign citizens need a visa to enter China. Insurance: insurance is required for entry for tourist purposes. Vaccination: not required from August 30, 2023. An important update to China’s visa policy! Starting from May …

Rules of entry to China Read More »

The meeting place cannot be changed! PAX invites you to the Thai Festival in the Hermitage Garden

OOO “PAKS-TO”, LjN8KSta8 OOO “PAKS-TO”, LjN8KSta8 OOO “PAKS-TO”, LjN8KSta8 OOO “PAKS-TO”, LjN8KSta8 OOO “PAKS-TO”, LjN8KSta8 OOO “PAKS-TO”, LjN8KSta8 OOO “PAKS-TO”, LjN8KSta8 OOO “PAKS-TO”, LjN8KSta8 Previous Next Previous Next Dear colleagues! The PAX tour operator offers you a unique opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of Thailand without leaving the Russian capital. The first weekend of …

The meeting place cannot be changed! PAX invites you to the Thai Festival in the Hermitage Garden Read More »

A children’s camp in South Korea is a place where the dreams of modern teenagers come true

“National Tourism Organization of Korea” (Moscow representative office), LjN8KYwEs “National Tourism Organization of Korea” (Moscow representative office), LjN8KYwEs “National Tourism Organization of Korea” (Moscow representative office), LjN8KYwEs Previous Next Previous Next South Korea is an amazing and attractive destination, the “pearl” of Asia with a high standard of living and distinctive culture. Every year sophisticated …

A children’s camp in South Korea is a place where the dreams of modern teenagers come true Read More »

15 best excursions in Turkey – interesting places worth visiting in Turkey | TURIZM

rare trips somewhere in the suburbs. Wealthy family tourists with children are the main audience of the resort, which leaves an imprint on its reputation. You won’t believe it, but there are places associated with Cleopatra in Marmaris too. According to legend, the island of Sedir was one of the places of secret meetings of …

15 best excursions in Turkey – interesting places worth visiting in Turkey | TURIZM Read More »

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