Access to snowmobile management in Russian resorts has been simplified for tourists

The initiative will contribute to the development of ski resorts

Туристам упростили доступ к управлению снегоходами на российских курортах

On December 25, a law came into force in Russia, according to which tourists with driving licenses of categories A and B1 will be able to drive a snowmobile, ATV and other all–terrain vehicles without additional conditions, and tourists with rights of categories B, C and D – after passing mandatory instruction and without leaving public roads, the press service reported on Mondaythe service of the Ministry of Economic Development.

As the department reminds, previously, in order to control a snowmobile, it was necessary to obtain a tractor driver’s license, which was issued after a course of study and passing exams. The law makes it possible to expand the opportunities for the development of outdoor activities and legalize the business of renting such vehicles.

“Simplification of access to snowmobile management is of great importance for the development of winter tourist attraction centers. This measure will allow tourists to spend more interesting and intense time on vacation, and tour businesses to create informative and entertaining routes, conduct excursions and walks to natural attractions that are only accessible by snowmobiles. For the hospitality industry, these are new customers and new directions for development,” said Vladimir Trach, Director of the Department of Project Implementation in the field of tourism.

Svetlana Danilina, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Association of Ski Complexes, Territories and Services, believes that the initiative will contribute to the development of ski resorts.

“Ski complexes are large territories, some of which are sometimes inaccessible to either a skier or a hiker. The increase in snowmobile trails and routes is not only a promising development of related business in the resort, but also a motivation to discover something unusual, to see the unattainable, which will increase the number of tourists to mountainous regions and clusters. Now such routes have been created in Siberia, the Far East and other regions. The new law will increase the availability of such products and really increase the attendance of mountain areas,” Danilina said.

Ilya Umansky, President of the Russian Union of Travel Industry, added that the bill brings the existing market segment into the legal field, expands opportunities for recreation and allows, among other things, accommodation facilities to provide additional services. The law simplifies the registration of insurance, thereby protecting the rights of tourists and increasing their safety. According to him, previously, due to the lack of the necessary category of driver’s licenses for tourists, the organizers of excursions could not insure such trips.

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