In 2019, we look down on the world – we visit 5 cities with the tallest skyscrapers

В 2019 смотрим на мир свысока – посещаем 5 городов с самыми высокими небоскребами

Striving upward through the centuries – Egyptian pyramids, medieval Gothic cathedrals, the first skyscrapers of the nineteenth century, modern skyscrapers. If people don’t have wings, then we’ll climb higher!

1. Dubai (UAE) – the largest city in the United Arab Emirates, the leader in the number of tallest skyscrapers. The tallest building in the world is located here, of course, the Burj Khalifa, with a height of 828 meters.

В 2019 смотрим на мир свысока – посещаем 5 городов с самыми высокими небоскребами

2. Tokyo (Japan)
The capital of Japan is home to the tallest TV tower in the world, the second tallest building in the world (after Burj Khalifa) – Tokyo Skytree. The height of the building is 634 meters.

В 2019 смотрим на мир свысока – посещаем 5 городов с самыми высокими небоскребами

3. Shanghai (China) – the world’s largest city in terms of population. This metropolis is home to the third tallest building in the world – the Shanghai Tower, 632 meters high. To keep the height from turning your head, the Shanghai World Financial Center (492 m) and Jin Mao Tower (421 m) stand nearby

В 2019 смотрим на мир свысока – посещаем 5 городов с самыми высокими небоскребами

4. New York (USA)
The largest city in the United States houses the tallest building in the western hemisphere of the Earth – the World Trade Center 1, whose height is 541 m (the building area is the same as the infamous twin towers, built in 1972). The world-famous Empire State Building, 443 m high, built in 1930, is also impressive. The 432 Park Avenue skyscraper closes the three giants.

В 2019 смотрим на мир свысока – посещаем 5 городов с самыми высокими небоскребами

5. Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China) – the largest business center in East Asia and the whole world has almost 8 thousand high-rise buildings, including more than 1.3 thousand skyscrapers. The tallest building is the International Commercial Center (height 484 meters).

В 2019 смотрим на мир свысока – посещаем 5 городов с самыми высокими небоскребами

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