All the most important things about Warsaw in one article

Все самое важное о Варшаве в одной статье

Warsaw is unfairly deprived of the attention of travelers. Destroyed during World War II and rebuilt in the Soviet era, today it is diligently trying to regain its former greatness and glory. We have collected useful recommendations for those who are going to visit Warsaw for the first time. October 09, 2023 0 4 min

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How to get there

Warsaw Chopin Airport is located just 10 kilometers from the city. There are regular buses and trains from there, so it won’t be difficult to get to the tourist center. You can take buses No.148 (to the Ursunov and Prague districts), No. 175 (to the central railway station) and No. 188 (to the metro station near the station). And at night there is a bus number 32, which also goes to the station.

Все самое важное о Варшаве в одной статье

Photo by Jo Hey

A train departs from the airport every 15 minutes and stops at the Central Railway Station. If you are in a hurry, you can take a taxi, but it will cost 70 zlotys.

In 2012, another airport appeared near Warsaw — Modlin. It serves flights of two major European low-cost airlines: Ryanair and Wizz Air. And if you fly to Poland from Europe, you will most likely land here. The distance to the city is about 40 kilometers. The fastest way to get from Modlin to Warsaw is by bus, which runs from the airport to the Palace of Culture. The fare and schedule can be specified on this website.

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