Today I came across a photo of a very huge pool, at first I thought it was Photoshop. But, after I did a little Internet investigation, I found out that this is the largest pool in Chile..
The largest pool in Chile
The largest pool, Chile
The largest pool
It turns out that this pool really exists – it is located in the San Alfonso del Mar resort complex (Spanish: San Alfonso del Mar), located in the town of Algarrobo in Chile.
Huge pool in Chile
Huge pool, Chile
The pool in San Alfonso del Mar is rightfully considered the largest in the world, because its length is 1013 meters, maximum depth is 3.5 meters, covers an area of 7.7 hectares and holds approximately 250 thousand cubic meters of salty seawater pumped here from the nearby Pacific Ocean.
Swimming pool in San Alfonso del Mar
Swimming pool in San Alfonso del Mar, Chile
Pool at San Alfonso del Mar in Chile
Swimming pool in San Alfonso del Mar, South America
Swimming pool in San Alfonso del Mar in South America
The largest pool, Chile
The largest pool in Chile
The largest pool, South America
In order to minimize the use of chemicals to maintain cleanliness in this artificial reservoir, 800 thousand liters of water change here every day.
The largest swimming pool in South America
This pool is so large that in addition to swimming, you can also go kayaking and windsurfing.
The largest swimming pool in San Alfonso del Mar
The largest swimming pool in San Alfonso del Mar, Chile
The largest pool in San Alfonso del Mar, South America
The largest swimming pool in San Alfonso del Mar in Chile
The largest pool in San Alfonso del Mar in South America
San Alfonso del Mar
San Alfonso del Mar, Chile
San Alfonso del Mar in Chile
San Alfonso del Mar, South America
San Alfonso del Mar at night
San Alfonso del Mar in the afternoon
San Alfonso del Mar in South America
I’d like to swim here, wouldn’t you?)